
We forget that forgiveness is greater than revenge. People make mistakes.

We are allowed to make mistakes. But the actions we take while in a rage will haunt us forever.

Pause and ponder. Think before we act. Be patient. ...


Isn’t that what it’s really all about? Forgiving one another? I’m slowly learning this. I’m slowing trying to put the past behind me. I’m slowly trying to forget all that’s happened, but it’s so darn hard to do sometimes. My story isn’t as dark or as bad as others. Mine’s just sad. Sad to the point where for many years I was lied to by the ones who I thought who loved me and cared about me......

That was just the beginning...

You forgive me for raising you up so high,
I'll forgive you for bringing me down so low,
You forgive me for having hopes and dreams,
I'll forgive you for crushing them.

How do I tell you I'm sorry -
With a gesture, a look, a touch?
How is it I never realized
I hurt you so very much?

"You should forgive me, and do you know why?
Because I can't stand the thought of you hurting because of someone like me,
and the only way you'll ever stop being hurt by me,
is if you stop hating me so you can just forget
that I ever even existed."

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